Minutes February 11, 2025
The Mayor and City Council held their regular City Council meeting on Tuesday February 11,
2025 at 6:00 pm at the Winterville Historic Depot, 101 Marigold Lane, Winterville, Georgia.
Mayor Dodd Ferrelle, Bruce Johnson, Melissa Metzger, Jonathan Mosley, Municipal Clerk Wendy Bond and City Attorney David Ellison.
Mayor Ferrelle called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Approval of Minutes:
Councilperson Mosley moved to approve the minutes of January 14, 2025. The motion was
seconded by Councilperson Johnson and approved.
New Business
The First item of New Business: Deliverance Temple Request. Councilperson Mosley moved to deny the church’s request to use the pavilion for a second free use as the church has been given one (1) free use for their April 26, 2025 community event. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Metzger and approved, thereby denying the request. The other churches in the city have been allotted a one (1) free rental in past years.
The Second Item of New Business: Athens-Clarke County Board of Elections call for Election. Councilperson Johnson moved to call for a Special Election to be held June 16, 2025 and a referendum for the sale of alcohol by the drink on the November ballot. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Mosley and approved.
The Third Item of New Business: WPD Report Writing Program. Councilperson Johnson
moved to approve $23,315.00 SPLOST 2020 funds for the purchase of a report writing/e-ticket system from i3 Verticals. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Mosley and approved.
The Fourth Item of New Business: Right-of-Way Ordinance. Attorney Ellison continues to work on this. No action was taken.
The Fifth Item of New Business: Additional Painting at Large Pavilion. Councilperson Metzger moved to approve $1,800.00 of General Funds to complete the additional painting of the pipework in the ceiling of the large pavilion. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Johnson and approved.
The Sixth Item of New Business: Main Street and Smithonia Road Speed Limits. Chief Young
is working on this item and will report back to Mayor and Council. No action was taken on this item.
The Seventh Item of New Business: SynRG Fitness, Home Occupation certificate. The Planning & Zoning Commission has recommended approval of a home occupation certificate for SynRG Fitness as a home office at 200 Seasons Creek Crossing. Councilperson Johnson moved to approve as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Mosley and approved.
The Eighth Item of New Business: Pittard Bank Building Roof Repair. Councilperson Johnson move to approve up to $3,900.00 SPLOST 2020 funds to repair the bank building. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Metzger and approved.
Councilperson Johnson moved to amend the agenda to add an additional item. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Metzger and approved.
The Ninth Item of New Business: Auditorium Sidewalk. Councilperson Johnson moved to
approve $21,900 of TSPLOST 2018 funds for the installation of a five (5) foot wide by 70 ln. ft.
sidewalk along the side of the auditorium to enhance patron safety. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Metzger and approved.
Committee Reports:
Public Finance – (Councilpersons Mosley & Johnson): Councilperson Johnson stated Clerk Bond has prepared statements through January 31, 2025. These documents are available for public review upon request.
Public Safety (Councilpersons Metzger & Mosley) Chief Colt Young gave a brief report and
reported that the department has received a Fraternal Order of Police For 4 new body armor vests, saving the city up to $5,000.00.
Fire Department – Chief Michael Gabriel submitted a call report.
Public Works – (Councilperson Johnson) Tom Doonan and his crew have begun the construction of the addition to city hall. The solar panel system is completed on the Front Porch Bookstore annex building and will begin utilizing the solar generated electricity soon.
Communications – (Councilpersons Metzger) No report was presented.
Cultural Center – Tina Mills has been busy as the new Director of the Cultural Center and
continues moving forward with new programs for seniors.
Museum Report – Jonathan Scott gave a verbal report.
Marigold Market & Food Hub – Sarah Hovater was unable to attend.
Library Report – Sam Watson gave a verbal report and submitted a written report.
Clerk’s Report – No report was presented.
City Attorney’s Report – No report was presented.
Mayor’s Report – Dodd Ferrelle announced there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony for the
renovated fountain on February 20, 2025 at 3:00 pm.
Public Comments – Councilperson Johnson stated there will be some work days scheduled on the Firefly Trail in the early spring.
Announcements –
Adjournment – Councilperson Mosley moved adjourn at 6:45 pm. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Johnson.
Wendy L. Bond, Municipal Clerk