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City Council Workshop Tentative Agenda for June 4th, 2024

City Council Workshop Tentative Agenda

City of Winterville

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 6:00 pm

Winterville City Hall - 125 N Church Street

1. Athens Micro Computer presentation for firewall expense. Tim, Project Manager

2.. 2025 Budget Meetings (Discuss Timeline- July-September 1 hour with Finance

Committee- Full day with Supervisors - 2 Hour meeting with Finance Committee - Final

Draft Meeting- Post Draft in October- Vote in November/December)

3. $2500 Art Opening (Vote)

4. LMIG Project request for 2025 (funding opens July 1)

5. DDA Rebirth (Discuss)

6. Pittard Park Playground (Discuss)

7. Flock Cameras/Omnigo (Discuss)

8. WVFD/Public Safety Committee Requests

9. Dozier Street Closure (Discuss)

10. TSPLOST Complete Streets Projects (Bruce)

11. Citizen Committee Updates (TSPLOST CAC, Friends of the FFT)

12. NEGRC Update (Retreat Summary, Housing Discussion, Blacksmith Shop)

13. Citizen Requests for the Agenda:

14. City Council Issues/Concerns for Agenda

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