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Agenda for March 21, 2023 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting

Historic Preservation Commission

Final Agenda

March 21, 2023 - 6:00PM

Winterville City Hall

I. Call to Order

1. Approval of Minutes from the February 21, 2023 meeting

II. Old Business:

1. None

III. New Business:

1. Thanks to outgoing HPC Chair Kim Burch

2. Welcome new member Virginia Ball

3. Naming Officer Positions

4. Applications for a Certificate of Appropriateness

i. 108 South Main Street

Petitioner: M Deenan Scott

Request: Window and Siding Replacement

5. 320 North Main Street appears to be expanding the front porch

IV. Adjourn

Next Public Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission:

6:00 pm on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at City Hall in Winterville, GA.


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