Planning & Zoning
The Planning and Zoning Commission of Winterville reviews and approves building projects and commercial signage, and ensures compliance with existing zoning ordinances and the comprehensive plan.
About the Commission
The Winterville Planning and Zoning Commission consists of five (5) members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. You must be a resident of the City of Winterville to serve on this commission.
Building Permit Application (PDF)
Zoning Ordinance (PDF)
Planning & Zoning Commission members are appointed to their posts and serve three-year terms. All members of this commission must be residents of the City.
Jon A. (Andy) Dawson, Vice-Chair
Kim Burch
Collin Field
Harry Spratlin
Patrick Valentine
[Currently Vacant], Code Enforcement Officer
Wendy L. Bond, P&Z Secretary, Winterville City Clerk
The Commission meets on the first Monday of each month (first Wednesday if Monday is a holiday) at 5:30 pm. Additional time beyond meetings may involve a review of the city codes and ordinances and site visits to review building projects. Meetings are located at City Hall unless otherwise noted. The presence of three (3) members is necessary to constitute a quorum. This is an open meeting and the public is invited to attend.