Winterville Downtown Development Authority
A Downtown Development Authority is used in cities throughout the state as a mechanism to revitalize and redevelop municipal central business districts. The DDA support provides local leaders with the skills and knowledge they need to ensure a healthy, vibrant downtown.
To serve as a catalyst for the promotion of existing and development of future business and commercial operations in the downtown area while maintaining and preserving the cultural and historic character of the community.
The City of Winterville is a vibrant community with a unique small-town feel. Downtown Winterville will follow the comprehensive city plan, be inclusive and supportive of new and established businesses, and be pedestrian and bicycle-friendly. New development will preserve and celebrate the city’s character and provide destinations for shopping and services, all within an environment of tree-lined streets, pocket parks, and community-supported events.
DDAs have a range of powers:
developing and promoting downtowns
making long-range plans or proposals for downtowns
financing (by loan, grant, lease, borrow or otherwise) projects for the public good
executing contracts and agreements
purchasing, leasing and selling property
issuing revenue bonds and notes

7 DDA members (“Directors”) are appointed and the requirements for serving on the DDA can be found on the application. The DDA will work with our Georgia Municipal Association DDA Manager, Stephanie Aylworth.
Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board of Directors Nomination Application (PDF)
DDA Board of Directors
Robert Flanders
Randy Halstead
Melissa Metzger, Secretary
Open, Vice-Chair
Gabriella Sandburg
Bryan Vaughn, Chair
Sarah Williamson, Treasurer